My BFA show will focus on the topic of Social Anxiety, and how individuals with this condition interpret social situations. People with Social Anxiety are not just shy, but rather have an irrational fear of being embarrassed and judged by others. This doesn't mean that they are necessarily introverted or dislike people, but they tend to avoid these interactions due to their innate fear. However, they often thrive in small groups, or with people they know well. I chose this specific topic, because I know these experiences all too well.
I want each visitor to experience what it feels to have social anxiety through the use of strong narrative based audio and visuals effects. I will mix and distort a variety of audio and sound effects to adequately interpret social anxiety. Also, I will be projecting a variety of hand drawn animations on 9 (16 x 20) blank canvases. The visuals will complement the audio.
I want each visitor to experience what it feels to have social anxiety through the use of strong narrative based audio and visuals effects. I will mix and distort a variety of audio and sound effects to adequately interpret social anxiety. Also, I will be projecting a variety of hand drawn animations on 9 (16 x 20) blank canvases. The visuals will complement the audio.